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Tasks & patterns – 33 min

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What ?

Through task-based movements, this class is focusing on exploring fun locomotory and easy coordination patterns, so that you can play with novel ways to move your body.

Why ?

Being exposed to novelty is a way to boost our cognitive functions, hence why varying the way we move is crucial – not only for our cognitive functions, but also for our entire musculoskeletal system.


Using task-based movements for that purpose helps to improve creativity, problem solving capacities, coordination, attention, and concentration.


None needed.

Nota Bene

Whether it’s by reading a book, walking in an unknown place, cooking a new recipe or learning a new language, there are many ways you can keep your brain active and stimulated by introducing novelty in your daily life as well. [1]




[1] Simone M. Ritter et al. Diversifying experiences enhance cognitive flexibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 48, Issue 4, July 2012

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