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Foire aux questions


Comment puis-je accéder à la version française/anglaise du site web ?

When you click on the burger menu with three bars in the top-right corner, depending on the current language you’re viewing the website in, you’ll see either a link labeled “English” or “Français”. If you are viewing the english version of the website, then the “Français” link will be displayed in the menu. Click on it to see the website in french.


Comment je m'inscris ?

Facile, clique ici 😉

Pourquoi dois-je fournir les informations de ma carte de crédit à l'avance ?

With the current membership platform we use, there’s unfortunately no way around that. We know that there can be some hesitation to give your credit card information upfront if you only want the free trial, but don’t worry; you won’t be charged if you cancel your membership within 7 days.

Est-ce obligatoire de donner mon nom ?

No, it’s not. Feel free to use a nickname if you don’t want to share your real name.

Est-ce que je peux m'inscrire à n'importe quel moment ?

Absolutely! There’s no restriction about when you can sign up. Your billing cycle, whether you signed up for a monthly, biannually, or yearly membership, will start seven days after you created an account.

Essai gratuit

Je n'ai pas eu le temps de profiter de mon essai gratuit, puis-je le prolonger ?

No, a free trial cannot be extended and is granted one time per person – any abuse will result in the termination of your account.

Étant donné que l'essai gratuit dure 7 jours, pourrais-je toujours en profiter si j'annule mon compte, disons, au 3ème jour de l'essai gratuit ?

Oui. Si tu souhaites cesser d'utiliser le studio virtuel et, par conséquent, ne pas être facturé.e, tu peux annuler à tout moment pendant ton essai gratuit. Ton abonnement prendra fin au 7ème jour.


J'ai oublié d'annuler mon compte pendant l'essai gratuit et j'ai été facturé.e. Puis-je obtenir un remboursement ?

Refunds cannot be issued after the free trial for the monthly membership. If you purchased a yearly or biannually membership, a pro-rated refund can be allocated if you are asking it within a month after signing up. Check out our “Conditions d'utilisation” for more info.

Compte & Abonnement

Comment me connecter ?

From the front page, you can click on “log in” below the button “Try for free” or click on the three bars at the top right corner of the header. You’ll find a link to log in.

Tu peux accéder directement à la page de connexion avec cette URL :

Nous te recommandons d'ajouter cette URL à tes favoris, afin que ton navigateur la mémorise pour ainsi y accéder plus facilement.

Comment changer mon mot de passe ?

When you click on “Mon Compte” you’ll find a link to change your password, right below your profile info.

Comment annuler mon abonnement ?

Go to “Mon Compte“, then “Abonnement“. At the bottom of the detailed list about your subscription, look at the “Actions” row and click “Cancel membership”.

Si j'annule mon abonnement, quand est-ce que l'annulation prendra effet ?

If you cancel your membership, you’ll be able to use the virtual studio until your next billing cycle.

For instance, if your next billing is due on the 15th of the month and you cancel your account on the 10th, you will have 5 days remaining to use the website. On the 15th, your account will be canceled and you won’t have access to the virtual studio.

If you are on your free trial, the cancelation will occur at the end of the 7th day, and you won’t be charged.

Puis-je suspendre mon abonnement et le reprendre plus tard ?

Yes, you can. If life is getting busy and you don’t have time to practice but you would like to keep your account, pausing your membership will stop the recurring payment until you resume it.

If you want to pause your membership, go to “Mon Compte“, then “Abonnement” and click on “Pause Membership”.

When your membership is paused, you won’t have access to the content reserved for members.

Comment puis-je changer d'abonnement ?

Go to “Mon Compte“, and then “Abonnement“. In the “Actions” row, select “Change membership”. A pop-up window will appear and you’ll be able to switch plans.

Si je change d'abonnement, que se passe-t-il avec mon paiement ?

Whether you’re currently subscribed to a monthly, biannually, or yearly membership, you’ll only start paying for the new membership you switched to on the day of your next billing period.

Paiement & Sécurité

Je suis préoccupé par la sécurité ; est-ce qu'entrer mes coordonnées bancaires sur votre site web est sécurisé ?

Since security is also our concern, we can assure you: yes, it’s safe. We are using Stripe to process payments. Your credit card info isn’t stored anywhere on our website, it isn’t info we can have access to.

Les informations que je partage sur le site web sont-elles partagées avec des tiers ?

Short answer: no. The information you provide, such as your name and email address, is only used for the basic functioning of your account and to receive support if needed. Your credit card information is processed by Stripe, which is a reliable online payment processing solution, and isn’t available for anyone to see. For more info, please check our Politique de confidentialité.

Comment puis-je modifier mes informations de paiement ?

If you click on “Mon Compte“, you’ll find the “Abonnement” tab. Find the row called “Actions” in the list and click on “Update payment”. You’ll be able to edit your payment info there.