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Torsions délicieuses – 32 min

Quoi ?

The focus of this class will be our thoracic spines ; while staying on the floor, we’ll mostly explore twists and spinal extension in static poses, with music to chillax.

Pourquoi ?

As modern humans, we built an environment that doesn’t require us to twist much, which over time decreases our thoracic spine mobility and can have repercussions on our breathing capacity. That’s why it’s a good thing to twist; not only it feels amazing, it also promotes clearer afferent signals (=from the body to the central nervous system signals), which “updates” our nervous systems about the mobility and resilience of this part of our bodies, therefore helping us to maintain and/or improve our range of motion.


Un coussin ou une couverture à mettre sous tes genoux.

Nota Bene

Dans une torsion, tu peux utiliser la respiration à 360° (=faire gonfler ta cage thoracique et ton abdomen dans leur intégralité) pour cultiver plus de calme et permettre à tes côtes et ton diaphragme de bouger dans leurs amplitudes de mouvement maximales.

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I wish this lesson was longer, because it felt so good. How I’d like to see more 360 breathing lessons ^^” Lately I have been struggling with shallow breathing where it feels like my ribcage is preventing me from breathing ‘sideways’ – if you know what I mean. Thank you again!!