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Muscu' 2.0 – 40 min

Quoi ?

Un cours légèrement différent de ce qui a été proposé dans le studio jusqu'à présent, puisque nous allons pratiquer avec un poids et en musique. 🎵 Même si soulever un poids n'est pas une chose familière pour toi, ce cours est accessible et t'offrira plusieurs progressions pour renforcer ton cou, tes épaules et le haut de ton dos. Tu es encouragé.e à faire une pause à tout moment si tu le souhaites.

Pourquoi ?

A quote I like from Dr. Andreo Spina, the founder of FRC®, is that “load is the language of cells”. Our bodies like to be loaded and they adapt to load. It’s thanks to load that all the systems in our bodies (musculo-skeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, immune, etc) get stronger and resilient, which makes strength training a longevity practice.


Strength training can be scary and intimidating at first; it’s often represented as a muscular person in a gym lifting a crazy big barbell and doing the same repetitions over and over again, with their head looking like it’s about to explode, which, for many of us, isn’t appealing. Strength training doesn’t have to be that way though, it can be fun, fluid, accessible and doesn’t require weights that are monstrous.


That’s why this class will guide you through an accessible strength practice that doesn’t focus on form and reps, allowing you to play and move with a bit more load.


We will be using a weight in this class – it can be a kettlebell, dumbell, bag or backpack, basically anything heavy-ish that you can grip quite easily.

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I always made excuses not to do this lesson, but eventually I gave in ^^’ I used a 5 litre Jerry can with cleaning vinegar, which worked like a charm as a substitute dumbbell. You know what, it worked like a charm! The sloshing content of the Jerry can did add some difficult 😉 but it was a great lesson! Thanks again <3