Nous exposerons nos chevilles et de nos genoux à une charge progressive en marchant de manière créative, en faisant des cercles avec nos genoux, en testant notre équilibre sur une jambe et en faisant des fentes locomotrices.
Feet are at the bottom of the kinetic chain; by giving inputs to our toes and ankles, we’re activating the rest of our bodies from bottom to top. Starting with lower extremeties activations will play an important role to improve our balance and control, as well as lower body strength and mobility over time.
When it comes to the knee joint, there’s quite a lot of fear-mongering around it; “Don’t let it go over your toes”, “Don’t squat”, “Don’t kneel”. While some repetitive actions seem to have a negative impact on our knees health, studies are often too focused on what people are doing instead of what they are not doing: staying in any prolonged position without varying our movements can potentially lead to joint issues – doesn’t matter what position. The key is to move often and with variety; that’s why in this class we will explore the rotational capacity of our knees and move them in ways that differ from our daily habits.
Un mur pour l'équilibre (optionnel).
Excellent! I felt so many new sensations in my ankles and legs by not worrying too much whether my knees were passing my toes. Did notice my left leg has a lot less range of motion than my right ^^’
Wohoo, I’m super happy to read that you experienced something new ! Very interesting to know about your left leg, since it’s the same one that was rebelling against the hamstring slides 😉