We’re (re)exploring spinal waves with the addition of twists and a bit of hip and shoulder work. If you’re looking for a class that makes your joints feel light and nimble, you’ll enjoy this one.
A supple spine goes a long way! I view the vertebral column as our bodies’ main pillar. Because it runs from the pelvis to the head, it plays a big role in the overall flexibility and mobility of our entire body.
Side note about the word flexibility and mobility:
- Flexibility could be thought of as the “ability to flex”. It can be expressed by the ability to move throughout the available range of motion of your muscles and connective tissues in a joint or group of joints, without injuring them [1]
- Mobility is a more global term that has been popularized – and unfortunately misunderstood – by the FRC school. Mobility can be thought of as the “ability to move” in general, for instance, how comfortably you can move around and perform day-to-day activities. It uses flexibility, but also other motor abilities, like coordination, strength, agility, etc.
So, in the word flexibility, there is the idea of using the range of motion available in your joints, while mobility is more global and combines different motor abilities, which are expressed by the ease you have to move in general.
[1] Committee on Fitness Measures and Health Outcomes in Youth; Food and Nutrition Board; Institute of Medicine. National Academies Press (US); 2012 Dec 10
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